Violence in school is effecting our childrens learning

School violence is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in many countries, especially where weapons such as guns or knives are involved. It includes violence between school students as well as physical attacks by students on school staff.


-Most school-associated violent deaths occur during transition times-immediately before and after the school day and during lunch.

-Violent deaths are more likely to occur at the start of each semester.

-Nearly 50 percent of homicide perpetrators gave some type of warning signal, such as making a threat or leaving a note, prior to the event.

-Firearms used in school-associated homicides and suicides came primarily from the perpetrator's home or from friends or relatives.

-Homicide is the second leading cause of death among youth aged 5-18. Data from this study indicate that between 1% and 2% of these deaths happen on school grounds or on the way to or from school.

-These findings underscore the importance of preventing violence at school as well as in communities.

-In 2011, 20% of high school students were bullied at school, and 33% reported being involved in a physical fight in the last year.

-In one month, nearly 6% of high schoolers stayed home because they felt unsafe at or on their way to school.

-More than 7% of 9th through 12th graders reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property at least once in the last year.An additional 6% admitted to bringing a weapon to school for protection.

-More than 50% of children who have been bullied online do not report the behavior to their parents, leaving their parents with no idea regarding this behavior.

-In 2011, one million children were harassed, threatened, or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook.


-Report violnce or any sort of out of orderly conduct seen

-If you see any gun violnce, evade the shooter and try to hide at all cost

-Alert authorities to any behavior

-Call the School Violence Hotline

-Start a non-violence campaign

-Spread awareness

-Develop and maintain a school safety bulletin board. Provide updated statistics on school crime and violence incidents at your school

-Develop a "buddy system" that pairs current students with newcomers to help them become acquainted with the school. Older students can also mentor smaller, younger students who may be vulnerable to bullying

-Start a program in your school were once every month there is a school meeting on school violence

3 Nonviolent ways handle a situation

-Alert authorities

-Notify staff

-Call the School Violence Hotline



